Monday 4 April 2016

On Either Side with Bryan de Grineau

Today’s images are the front and back cover of a pamphlet produced in the 1930’s by the London and North Eastern Railway (LNER) to promote the visual delights to be experienced through the carriage window on a trip from London to Edinburgh on the route of the ‘Flying Scotsman’. It’s a companion piece to a brochure featured here in June 2008. On this occasion the artist signs himself Bryan de Grineau, thinly disguising his true identity, Charles William Grineau (1883–1957). Grineau’s reputation seems to rest on his spirited motoring illustrations (described here) but he also produced several improbable visions of future transport (including a spectacular city airport suspended over the River Thames) for the covers of Modern Wonder magazine in the late 1930s that are reproduced below.

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