Time for some postcards featuring unskilled manual labour - the jobs nobody wants to do unless economic necessity prevails. Curious that postcard producers should take an interest in such humble activity but their efforts resulted in many types and subsets. Local colour was the polite term for singling out workers from the bottom of the economic ladder and printing multiple copies of their likenesses to be sold to visitors, travellers and tourists. As the decades passed these images would become documentary evidence of lost ways of life but nothing could have been further from their minds. Sales figures and turnover were paramount and if demand could be generated for such subjects the market would provide. For the purchasers and the recipients back home they were mildly diverting examples of life’s rich pageant and a reminder of the road that led from indigence and idleness to penury. Plus the self satisfaction derived from observing those trapped by a fate that you have avoided. Miners and metal bashers served as respected exemplars of the dignity of labour - none of that applied to the street sweepers, porters, agricultural labourers and scavengers featured here.
Saturday, 8 March 2025
Monday, 17 February 2025
Centurion Bar, Newcastle Station
I first glimpsed this extraordinary interior about 10 years ago from the doorway. Within was the intimidating spectacle of a vast darkened room, echoing to the declamatory racket of a regiment of raucous drinkers, their attention fixed on a Premier League football game showing on an enormous plasma screen. On that occasion I went no further but promised to return at a more opportune moment. Last August was my chance to revisit and we must thank the North Eastern Railway for this dazzling space - in 1892-93 the space was transformed by architect William Bell from a conventional waiting room into a beautiful ceramic clad First Class Refreshment Room. A Baroque styled decorative scheme was applied in faience supplied by Burmantofts of Leeds that not only covered the walls but extended upward to enclose the lantern ceiling surround. Browns, yellows and greens predominate. There was an interlude in the 1960s when the room was converted for British Transport Police use as holding cells for Geordie miscreants and it was only in 2000 that the stud walls came down to reveal the concealed ceramic splendour. When restoration was complete the only absent feature was the semicircular faience-clad bar that was lost at some point. It’s a reminder of how unusual it is in this country that the public are permitted to patronise such opulent premises without paying a premium for the privilege.
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Guinness Scrapbook 1937
We like to think of embarrassment as a uniquely British thing but the concept is present in every known language. It’s especially prevalent among the English thanks to the local tradition of invented codes of behaviour, vocabulary, idioms, pronunciations - all designed to divide outsiders from insiders and perpetuate class distinctions. Cartoonist H M Bateman arrived in England from South Africa with a readymade chip resting on his shoulder, a grumpy disposition and a casual fluency in drawing social tableaus. Ideally qualified to explore the English world of embarrassment and unwitting social transgression, he took pleasure in distorting the human features to convey all the nuances of social terror and personal humiliation - hair that quivers as it uplifts from the scalp, eyes on the verge of exploding from their sockets, lips that tremble and splutter, bodies that vibrate with shame. A new genre was created in which the discomfort of disgraced victims was mercilessly exposed for the entertainment of all. When he wasn’t working much of his time was spent in protracted and ultimately unsuccessful disputation with tax authorities having conceived an obsessive aversion to all forms of taxation.
The Guinness offer to the nation’s doctors for 1937 was a collection of literary and visual tributes to the virtues of the famous stout presented the reader as if pasted into a scrapbook with a cover design by Antony Groves-Raines, many if not all of them were extracted from previous advertising campaigns. The page sequence was broken up with full page colour cartoons drawn by Bateman, themed around the worlds of golf, cricket and performance, relatively gentle in tone. Several of these had already featured in press and magazine ads. The choice of subjects reveals an assumption that the medical profession of the day was exclusively male - not really unsafe for 1937. For another selection of Bateman’s work for Guinness, please follow this link. As for the product, Guinness has never been more popular with a new generation falling for its distinctive charms to the point where the brewers were declaring a shortage late last year which had the desired effect of boosting sales even further as consumers rushed to stockpile. Diageo (corporate owners of the brand) responded to their good fortune, not as you might expect by expanding production but by considering selling the company to take advantage of its increase in value. Must be what they teach in business school.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
Castle Drogo
The story begins with a marriage between two biscuit empires - Meredith & Drew, and Peek Freans. Julius Drew was a descendant of both the former and the latter, his bride, Frances Richardson was a descendant of the latter. Aged 34 at the time of his wedding, Julius had recently retired from running the large and profitable grocery chain he had founded in 1878 - Home and Colonial Stores - and planning a life of country pursuits and genealogy research. Having no doubt been exposed to the condescension of the aristocracy, routinely directed towards those they considered to be nouveaux riches, Julius developed a passion for genealogy in his search for more illustrious and titled forebears. One of his cousins was Rector in the Devon village of Drewsteignton and Julius paid several visits in search of any evidence that might connect him with the Norman family, Dru, that gave their name to the village. Julius began buying land in the neighbourhood of Drewsteignton and conceived the idea of building himself a modern Norman-style castle in the locality. His masterstroke was to engage the services of Edwin Lutyens as architect - though Lutyens was initially reluctant and would have preferred a more orthodox commission for a large scale country house, he eventually accepted the task of designing a home with all the features of a traditional castle fitted out with the best of modern comforts.
It turned out to be a protracted project that had to be juggled with many other demands on Lutyens’s attention over two decades. A site was chosen in 1910 on the top of a granite outcrop high above the Teign Valley, perfectly placed for repelling intruders. Lutyens had to be persuaded to abandon his initial proposal for a Tudorbethan fantasy in favour of a more rugged medievalism and came up with a plan for a sprawling monumental design on such a grand scale that it had to be reduced by two thirds to be affordable. Locally quarried Dartmoor granite was the basic construction material and the client rejected Lutyens’s plan for to go for cavity wall construction (two walls two foot thick with a gap between) and insisted on solid walls six feet in depth. A further round of economy measures was imposed in 1920 requiring the relocation of key features and demolition of several partially completed elements. The project muddled along, not helped by Lutyens’s frequent and prolonged visits to New Delhi in the service of the Raj and it was 1925 before the family were able to partially occupy their home and another five years before it was finally complete by which time it was one third of what was initially envisaged and had cost three times its original estimate. All this effort to somehow give credibility to Julius Drewe’s unsubstantiated claim to be a living descendant of an ancient Norman family.
Julius died in 1931 leaving his heirs with an ever expanding financial burden of maintaining the vast edifice in sound condition and watertight. Later generations toiled away through the privations of wartime, giving up the struggle in 1974 when the castle was acquired by the National Trust (NT). The NT had the funds to stabilise the condition of the building and conserve and curate it as a memorial to Julius Drewe and his campaign for acceptance by the nobility and Edwin Lutyens and his eccentric brilliance as an architect. In the chapel there’s an architectural model of the Lutyens designed war memorial at Thiepval dedicated to the Missing of the Somme that intentionally or not seems to underline the point.
Dartmoor granite is the hardest to be found in the UK and the precision cut granite forms, steps and archways make a powerful expression. Lutyens’s command of internal spaces, alternating the spacious and the confined, creating forward glimpses that lead us around the building all combine to make the corridors, stairwells and passageways the most interesting elements in his scheme. Together with a restrained sensibility and formal austerity the castle transcends its faintly absurd rationale by force of personality. And it’s the lower ground level that offers the finest transitions and the delights of the kitchen and scullery where Lutyens-designed fixtures and furnishings are illuminated by natural light from overhead lunette and lantern windows. In the family rooms most of the furnishings and wall hangings are drawn from Drewe’s enormous collection of Spanish furniture that came into his possession in 1898 when he bought the palatial Wadhurst Park in East Sussex along with the opulent contents that had been assembled by the previous owner, Spanish banker Adrian de Murietta. Despite their often ponderous forms, the high ceilings, massive windows and overall spatial grandeur of Lutyens’s rooms cuts them down to size and deprives them of any power to detract from the overall impression. It is a tribute to Lutyens’s ability to orchestrate these complex and demanding spaces into a coherent whole that we often find ourselves overlooking the essential frivolity of the entire project.