Infants and insomniacs rejoice, for relief is at hand in the form of fresh supplies of Cod Liver Oil, Milk Food and Allenburys Diet. In this attractive vintage advertising art from 1914, a smartly liveried example of the latest in vehicle technology raises dust on the highway as it speeds towards the small coastal town in the distance, fully laden with all the necessities of a healthy life. Allenburys were assiduous advertisers in publications such as Country Life, Punch, Illustrated London News and Good Housekeeping and wasted no opportunity to place their products in the public eye.
In 1914, delivery meant goods, telegrams and babies whereas today we are all in the business of delivery – teachers deliver lessons, dentists deliver oral health, communication providers deliver broadband - training, happiness, promises, information, success and solutions are all capable of delivery. To read a little more about the remarkable powers of Allenburys Diet, see the example below. Even more can be seen by following this link.
In 1914, delivery meant goods, telegrams and babies whereas today we are all in the business of delivery – teachers deliver lessons, dentists deliver oral health, communication providers deliver broadband - training, happiness, promises, information, success and solutions are all capable of delivery. To read a little more about the remarkable powers of Allenburys Diet, see the example below. Even more can be seen by following this link.

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